Apple orchard is nature miracle, that is created by human hands. Beside the beauty and aroma of flowering orchard, it bring us it delicious fruits - apples. We care about our consumers and grow only ecologically clean products. Our company’s apple orchard are located in Vinnitsa region, the most friendly region for apple growing in Ukraine. Unique apple plantation, by new Italian technology, allows us to reach the most successful results, as in effective usage of land resources, as in increase of tree productiveness. And usage of modern technologies allows us to bring the natural taste of just picked apples to the consumer.

To deliver apples to the buyers, keeping it fresh and without loosing any important vitamins and micro elements, Ltd “Agrocomplex “Vinnichchina” uses the newest refrigerating equipment, that allows keep the product freshness for a long time. Apples are stored in optimal temperature conditions, where it does not freeze or dry, that allow to slow down process of it over-ripening. Specialists of our company meticulously look after the condition of refrigerating equipment and keep the necessary environment inside. Because the correct storage of product is half of production success.

How to sort small apples from big ones? Tough question, and sorting by hands is already outdated solution. World’s agriculture technologies do not stand still, and more effective and economical ways of solving this problem are invented. On Ltd “Agrocomplex “Vinnichchina” production site we have Holland “Perfect” sorting machine. This technology allows us to sort up to 5 tons of apples an hour, and grade it by size, weight and color. Apple supply take place through water bath, that helps us to avoid damage of apples. Such an thorough selection of products allows us set the production technology in the most effective way for an every variety. Therefore we will precisely fulfill your order.